
The view of this logbook is connected to the database of Log4OM.
echo “

Date Time Call Mode MHz SatName Country QslS QslR

// keeps getting the next row until there are no more to get

$class = “line0”;
while($row = mysql_fetch_array( $result )) {
// Setup background color lines
if($class == “line0”)
echo “

$class = “line1”;
echo “

$class = “line0”;
// Print out the contents of each row into a table
// echo “

“; table definition in top lines
echo “

” . date_format( new DateTime($row[‘QsoDate’]),’d/m/Y’) . “

echo “

” . date_format( new DateTime($row[‘TimeOn’]), ‘H:i’) . “

echo “

” . $row[‘Call’] . “

echo “

” . $row[‘Mode’] . “

echo “

” . number_format($row[‘Freq’],0,’,’,’.’) . ”

echo “

” . $row[‘SatName’] . “

echo “

” . $row[‘Country’] . “

echo “

” . $row[‘QslSent’] . “

echo “

” . $row[‘QslRcvd’] . “

echo “


echo “
